Runalong The Shelves

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The 2024 Booktempter's TBR Challenge


There is a not a blogger or reader who doesn’t occasionally thinks I should read those books that we’ve got. Time is not infinite. There are so many books that those rogue booktempters will force you to get. Ruthless authors writing great books and so our shelves and our e-readers get filled. Its remorseless. Happily I am an angel in womble form and once a year I take a break from finding you great reads and instead give you a helpful guide to cleanse the shelves. Ready for more reads obvs.

So here is my challenge for 2024. There are just three simple rules: -

1 – It applies to your TBR pile as per 23.59 31/12/2023 no new books post this date can be used (but of course you can subsequently add more to your TBR piles I am not cruel)

2 - If you are a book blogger no ARCs! Sorry, but this is to cut down your own self-induced TBR.

3 – You can do one challenge a month (or more if you fancy my stretch goals) but you only have to do twelve in a year and while I am applying some very loose monthly themes.. You also have to the end of the year to finish you reads

You could do this in a sprint or just when you feel like it ?

Ok? Lets play. This year I have as always a main challenge for each month and a stretch goal

January - Lucky Dip

TBR piles can present huge challenges to us. A feeling I’m not able to read this because I’ve not read x, done y at work or got the time. I though the one and only Dark Lord of Booktempting though release you from this burden and so

Randomly choose a book by someone you’ve never read before

No pre-conceptions, no expectations and who knows they may be your next favourite thing!

Your stretch goal

In the same spirit I give you permission to read the last book to enter your TBR pile. Actually read something you’ve got yourself to recently read.

February - Lovers Meeting

No not romantasy focused - this challenge is somewhere in TBR is a delayed treat. Read an author you’ve loved and held back from reading because the time was not right. Its time for you two to get re-acquainted. Enjoy yourself!

Stretch target

For the second month of the year - start and by the end of the year finish a duology or pair of books by the same author

March - Spring Cleaning

You know that first book of a series you bought and have now realised is now finished? You have my permission to read this at last. And you know what?

Stretch Goal

You can actually finish or catch up with the other books this year too!

April - Diamond Anniversary

Diamond is the birthstone of April so your challenge is to read something over 60 years old

Stretch Goal

As its the month of the fool read something, funny or even say cosy?

May - The Fourth….

May the force be with you and I permit you to read a SF themed tale

Stretch Goal

You may randomly choose any book in your TBR pile

June - The Longest Days

You may choose the longest book in your TBR pile the days are long so go for it (Southern Hemisphere players swap with Decembers)

Stretch Goal

Release the oldest book in Mount TBR from its imprisonment

July - The Ides have it

In an ongoing tribute to Julius pick a tale of intrigue and scheming

Stretch Goal

Pick a book with a summer theme

August - Travel Broadens the Mind

Choose a Book that is from an author from a different country to yourself

Stretch Goal

You’ve a holiday read - pick it and read it by the end of the break!

September - Back To School

Choose a Book about a character learning something - be it in school, a new power or something about themselves

Stretch Goal

Summer ends and so I want you to find the books of a series that you’ve started and never got round to finishing or catching up with.

October - Yep Its Halloween Time

Find a spooky themed read!

Stretch Goal

Reward yourself with a small press book i.e. a press not related to the big 5 publishers

November - Short but Sweet

Four Novellas - and you cna do this in a month

Stretch Goal

I test you - I want eleven short stories read - magazine, collection or anthology!

December - Parting Gifts

Read a Book gifted to you - before Christmas comes and you realise you’ve still not read it!

Stretch Goal

Read book with the theme of winter somewhere in it

And that is it. I’ll tell you my first choice next month!