Runalong The Shelves

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The TBR Challenge for June and a little May-a Culpa


Sometimes you’re that busy you know you’ve forgotten something and then it’s too late. I’ll blame toothache and as punishment a root canal I had to have. Life is ticking over fast but lets have a quick look at TBR progress and the challenges to come!

Progress so far

Overall reading has gone from 67 to 104

The TBR pile has risen from 40 to 54 and ARC pile is now at 50 - not a bad mix I’m reading quite a few books at once with a main read taking over every few days so its balancing well and the summer is often the quiet time in my line of work…famous last words

The May Challenge

May the force be with you and choose an SF linked tale

A book I’ve been meanign to rtreat myself with reading for some time is Sea of Tranquility by Emily St John Mendel. I saw the author in Liverpool and I was fscinated by it. Heard lots of good thinsg too

You may choose any book in your TBR pile

As a treat a series I meant to finish ages ago - End of Watch by Stephen King finishes an unuaul trip of thrillers (this one I beleive a little more supernatural in nature)

Now to June!

Choose the longest book in your TBR pile the days are long so go for it (Southern Hemisphere players swap with Decembers)

On my TBR for a while has been the chunky The Absolute Book by Elizabeth Moss for a trip to new Zealand, myths and a lot more

Release the oldest book in Mount TBR from its imprisonment

Looking around the shelves I’ve noticed I’m quite behind on Rebus books so I’m releasing Even Dogs In The Wild by Ian Rankin

Let me know you choices in the comments or the social media of weirdness