Runalong The Shelves

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The TBR Challenge September Update

To be fair I had a really busy August going from San Francisco to Glasgow Worldcon in two weeks when you’re already tired is quite impressive and afterwards you may not be quite alert for a little/long while. I decided to take it a bit easier and that will be theme for the rest for the rest of the year. Things are busy but just a good busy which is how I like them. I am currently enjoying blogging and that is always a good sign that I’m not too stressed

How is the TBR doing?

By the end of August I’ve read 148 books

TBR Pile - 71

ACR - 77

Honestly not bad! I am going to be focusing on arcs more into the busier part of the revieing year but I’d quite like to end 2024 with a cleaner slate than last year. Famous last words. Also expect a closer look at short fiction magazines a little side project I’ve wanted to get in the habit of and soon some of the BFS categories and also then back to the Quarter century project will I’ve decided for reasons makes sense to end in 2026 (and a notable birthday for me)

Now onto the challenges!

For August in case you missed it and a reminder that the challenge is for the end of the year not always the month

Choose a book that is from an author who is from a different country to yourself?

I’ve chosen The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa which I’ve heard nothing but good things about

For the stretch - You’ve a holiday read - pick it and read by the end of your break.

Done this and reviewed Club Ded by Nikhil Singh

Now into September

Back to school - choose a book about a character learning something - be it school, a new power or something about themselves

For this I’m treating myself to Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor

And for the stretch goal - find the books of a series that you’ve started and never got round to finishing or catching up with

So many to choose but as its just one book left I’m going for Provenance by Ann Leckie

Let me know your choices in media or below