Cover Reveal - Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky


Now regular readers know Adrian Tchaikovsky is one of my favourite authors and always offers a delight so I was delighted that Tor UK and Jamie from Black Crow PR got in touch about Adrian major new science fiction novel coming out next year - Alien Clay. Not only does it have a BEAUTIFUL cover but it sounds rather cool (as always)

“The planet of Kiln is where the tyrannical Mandate keeps its prison colony, and for inmates the journey there is always a one-way trip. One such prisoner is Professor Arton Daghdev, xeno-ecologist and political dissident. Soon after arrival he discovers that Kiln has a secret. Humanity is not the first intelligent life to set foot there.

In the midst a ravenous, chaotic ecosystem are the ruins of a civilization, but who were the vanished builders and where did they go? If he can survive both the harsh rule of the camp commandant and the alien horrors of the world around him, then Arton has a chance at making a discovery that might just transform not only Kiln but distant Earth as well.”

So strange new worlds, intriguing societies and of course an interesting ecosystem are all areas we know this author tends to deliver on in spades and I am definitely going to be there when this comes out next year. Set your dates for 28th March 2024 for this to come out in hardback!

Want to pre-order? then visit

Booktempting already for next year…how could I resist!