The April TBR Challenge and March Update


March was a month. By the end I was rather tired the Project of Pain has aftermath lets leave it at that!

I knew February was going to be a hard month but blimey that was a month. Something I tend to refer to as the Project of Pain that has dominated five years of my life has finally gone live. The weeks before and after that have been rather busy and some other family stuff too has been going on so I’m hoping for a calmer March with a few breaks in the imminent future. Business as usual for blogging will resume next week (i hope)

I finished February on 52 books read but with a lot less days off that has dropped down to 67

The TBR Pile has now been reduced by 40 and ARCs make up 27.

The April Challenge

Diamond is the birthstone of of April so your challenge is to read something over 60 years old

For this challenge espeecially as I blog its difficult exploring the older end of the spectrum. For me I’ll be finally getting around to 1984 by George Orwell

Stretch Goal

As its the month of the fool read something funny or even say cosy

Finally, finally I can read The Tough Guide To Fantasyland by Diana Wynn-Jones which i’ve needed an excuse for for ageeeess

What about you? tell in the comments or on socials!