Cover Reveal - The Sound of The Dark by Daniel Church


I do love some advanced Booktempting on occasion and today I’ve got a look at some exciting sounding horror in more ways than one)! Thanks to the lovely folks at Angry Robot I have news of new horror material this year and look at that cover!

I’ve really enjoyed Daniel Church’s last two horror novels (The Hollows and The Ravening which deliver lots of action, scares and creepiness) now a third book is a coming this time based around the power of sound!

Let me tell you more about it!

In 1983 experimental artist Tony Mathias began work on a new installation – it was to be a collage of visuals and sounds collected at an abandoned RAF base called Warden Fell. Various stories and rumours swirled around the place but Tony was interested only in the echoes of history. But soon after visiting the site to tape-record the sounds there, he returned to the caravan where he was staying with his family and killed his wife, his two children and then himself. Another dark twist in Warden Fell’s history?

But the past reaches out. Decades later Cally Darker, gets the chance to investigate the terrible story and perhaps even solve the mystery – a fantastic exclusive story for her true-crime podcast.

Tony's actress sister Stella is desperate for the mystery to be solved before she dies will do all she can to help and passes on the tapes left behind by her brother. But before long, Cally realises that Warden Fell has a far older and darker story to tell. Be careful what you listen to…

Set in the lonely and craggy Warden Fell in Lancashire, The Sound of the Dark explores loneliness, isolation, the physical and psychological damages of sensory overwhelm…

Sounds good doesn’t it?

It comes out just in time for Halloween appropriately on the 28th October and get yourselves ready for more terror!