Subjective Chaos - The 2020 Winners!
Book Bloggers do natter in the secret realms of the DMs. And when several of gathered last year like Voltron then Subjective Chaos was formed thanks to C from The Middle Shelf. For the bloggers a great chance to swap book recommendations and suggest/push/bribe our fellow judges to vote for what we thought were the best books. We don’t always agree but I find seeing how people react to books in different ways a reminder that there is a huge variety of options in what a reader is looking for. This year saw no really clear cut winner and there was much debate and as per usual chaos but we have now agreed our winners in the various categories
This Year’s Judges/Nominators
- C of The Middle Shelf
- David of Blue Book Balloon
- Hammard of Cloaked Creators
- Hedwig
- Imyril of One More
- And little old me
And now the winners!! (commence trumpets)
The Loosening Skin by Aliya Whiteley
Science Fiction
Blurred Boundaries
The Psychology of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas
Prime Meridean by Silvia Moreno Garcia
Machineries of War by Yoon Ha Lee
There really was a high degree of quality in all the nominations this year (see earlier blogs in this section for the nominees) but here are some tales you should really love. Hopefully see you all again in 2020 for round 3.